segunda-feira, fevereiro 26, 2018

Barbecue monsters!!!

By the end of the Summer, we will be barbecue monsters!!!!

On a whim, we decided to go and buy a gas barbecue for the apartment. A small one from Weber - the Q1200. So cute and small!!! Great for the apartment balcony.

And now, we can't stop using it!!!
Fish, meat, seafood, pizzas... we've been using it a lot!!!!
And it's still winter!:D

So, at the end of the summer we will be barbecue pros!!!! :D:D

quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2018

Long year... new year...

Being 41 was easy!
I felt good although the year was difficult and long!!
But now, one day before turning 42, I feel lost... I don't see the path with clarity and that makes me feel unsure of the future. It is not a feeling I like....

But I have to believe this is going to be a good year and that this feeling will pass!!!

quinta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2018

Nike... again!!!

Nike, do you read minds?!
You know me so well!!!! Let's be friends forever!!!!!

But next year, send 50% off!! :D:D Or is that too much to ask?! :D

terça-feira, janeiro 30, 2018


Last year, one of my objectives was to try Pilates (on a proper Pilates studio).
I kept finding excuses... time... studio availability... bla bla bla...

Now, an experimental session has been booked!!!
I'll be trying it on Thursday!!!:)


Why, oh why do you torture me?!?!
Why do you send me emails?!
Why do I read them?!
Please stop!!!! Stop torturing me!!!!

I hate you... Nike!!!!!!!

segunda-feira, janeiro 29, 2018

Food Issues » Week planned!!!

So, I've decided to planned this week's dinners a little better than last week.
I didn't want to start big, with a whole week of food preparation, because I think that would make me feel overwhelmed... so I started small!:)

I have soup!!! So I'm already half ready!!:)
And for today I have food already prepared, it only needs to be warmed up. A very healthy meal!!

Tomorrow is also ready, and it is also a very healthy one!!:)

For Wednesday and Thursday I will try something different... I've ordered 2 vegan meals to try!! :)

So, this week will be good!!! And relaxing (in this area, at least!!!)!!

sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2018


The week is not over, but almost all of the tabs in my brain have been closed!!!
It was a very long week... with a lot of thing to be done... but I made it to Friday :)
And I was so happy yesterday that I even decided to bake a healthy Banana Bread with Blueberries!:D:D

Now I think I'm going to have an adrenaline crash!! :D:D

quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2018

Food issues

So, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't been travelling as much as I used to. And my boyfriend/husband/partner (whatever!!!) was also home.
And cooking for 2 is not a problem!! But cooking only for myself is a BIG problem!!! Specially dinner... if I have soup, I'll eat soup... otherwise, I'll eat bread, and some other thing I shouldn't be eating!:P

Decision: I need to start preparing food over the weekends to make sure I'll eat healthy and properly over the weeks!!!

Ideas anyone?!?! :D I need simple recipes, even better if they can be frozen!!!! :)

terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2018

Nano vs Metcon

I've been training with my new Metcon 3... so I can know tell you which ones I prefer: the Nano or the Metcon!! :D

The Metcon have a different shape, the front of the feet isn't as tight as the Nano. So, at the beginning it feels bigger... like I should have bought a smaller number!
The sole is more rigid and also because of its interior shape, it feels better when doing squat movements.
In the jumps, the Metcon feel more responsive.

So, overall, apart from the fact that it feels bigger than it actually is, I love them!!! I prefer them to the Nano ones!!
So, this round goes for Metcon!!!

segunda-feira, janeiro 22, 2018


That is how I'm feeling...

I'm alone this week and I have too many thing on my plate!!
My head starts working during the night and I wake up feeling tired and annoyed...
I'm not sure how the week will go, but I really hope I can make to Friday....

quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2018

Top of the world... or the box!!!

I'm really trying to celebrate all the small things!! The small moments, the small victories, the small achievements... all those small things that make life big, but that we don't give enough value!!

And for each one of them I fell like I'm on top of the world!!! Or of the box, like in the picture!!!

By the way, this was one of my small achievements this year!! :D

terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2018

segunda-feira, janeiro 15, 2018

Still never too late

A long, long, long time ago, I bought a complete dinner set (plates, plates and more plates... and some other accessories) from Vista Alegre.
Because it was expense, I bought it in small batches and stored all in my mother's house...

And it stayed there.... for probably 20 years!!!! (I'm so happy I bought a very clean and classic model :D:D )

My mother complained about those boxes so many times!!!!
But this year I've decided to make space in my apartment and bring it from my mother's!!!
I can see my parents celebrating behind my back!!!!!

sexta-feira, janeiro 12, 2018

Never too late

I entered 2018 in a dress!!!!
Don't "look" at me like I'm crazy.... I'm sure it is the 1st time in the last 25 years!!!
:) TRUE!!!!

Last week I decided that it's not late to start wearing more skirts:D So I will try to wear a skirt or a dress at least once a week, if I'm in Portugal.

2 weeks in, and I've made it!! But there are so many weeks!!!:D:D
Please remind me!!!! :D:D:D

terça-feira, janeiro 09, 2018


Due to the pneumonia I had back in September, I haven't been travelling for work since then...
I know I will start soon... maybe even next week...

And that thought makes me want to vomit... really!!!
I don't think I can do it anymore, I don't think I have mental strength to endure that life again...:( I started to settle down, find routines, ...

I don't know what to do!!!!!!:(
Can I hide in bed?!

sexta-feira, janeiro 05, 2018

Little pleasures and friendship

I love going out to lunch with one of my friends (let's call the friend PJ :P) but we never find the time to do it. When we do manage to arrange time, we always go (thanks PJ!!!) to very good places!!
And today was no exception!!

We went to Almeja, in Porto... and it was amazing!!!
We had the lunch menu and it was so good, prepared and presented with such care.... I was really amazed.
But what I loved the most? The attention they had with my dessert!!! It had peanuts and I hate peanuts, so I asked if they could be removed. And they did, and the chef re-created the dessert without the peanuts (and peanut butter) specially for me!!! I was truly amazed and thankful!!!
Probably small details, but they made me love the place even more!!!

Pictures of some of the things we had...

So, what an amazing place to celebrate a great friend!!!! ;)

quinta-feira, janeiro 04, 2018

Expense Control

Last year I tried to keep track of my expenses... I've created an excel file where I would register all the income and all the expense I had each day. Those expenses would be grouped in categories so I could easily report on them.
But I stopped mid July.... ;(
Why? Because other problems occupied my mind and I could be bothered...

But now I re-started!!
The excel has been improved, and I'm back on track!!!

quarta-feira, janeiro 03, 2018

terça-feira, janeiro 02, 2018

2017... 2018

I tried to look back at 2017 and decide if it was a good or a bad year... And I honestly don't know!

It's not fair to say it was a bad year, because it had a lot of good... so much good moments, so much good memories, with great friends and family, new places discovered, trips,...
But, it also had some darker moments... specially my pneumonia and a lot of problems at work... and the last one, really had a big influence on my mood and on a lot of aspects of my life.

So, the good was much more than the bad, but a dark shadow was always over me this year...

For the next one, I don't have a lot of expectations... I have wishes, goals,...
But the things I wish the most are courage and strength.... If I have those, then I know I can make the rest come true!!!

To you all, I wish you all the best!!! A year full of health, love, peace and friendship!!!