terça-feira, janeiro 02, 2018

2017... 2018

I tried to look back at 2017 and decide if it was a good or a bad year... And I honestly don't know!

It's not fair to say it was a bad year, because it had a lot of good... so much good moments, so much good memories, with great friends and family, new places discovered, trips,...
But, it also had some darker moments... specially my pneumonia and a lot of problems at work... and the last one, really had a big influence on my mood and on a lot of aspects of my life.

So, the good was much more than the bad, but a dark shadow was always over me this year...

For the next one, I don't have a lot of expectations... I have wishes, goals,...
But the things I wish the most are courage and strength.... If I have those, then I know I can make the rest come true!!!

To you all, I wish you all the best!!! A year full of health, love, peace and friendship!!!

2 comentários:

FFreitas disse...

Um bom ano também para ti! Que possamos neste ano encontrar-nos mais vezes! :)

Lara disse...

:) Era bem preciso!!!!!